
Animal Farm Vocabulary Worksheet Chapters 1 3 Continued Answers

Exercise of language in Animal Farm

The language Orwell uses in Animal Farm is simple, clear and accessible. Description and dialogue are kept to a minimum and Orwell avoids sentimentality - even the most heart-breaking sections of the schoolbook are rattling calculate in style. He focuses along notification the story, allowing the referee to concentrate on the lessons he wants us to learn. Through the pigs, Orwell shows how rhetoric buns be a powerful joyride of manipulation.

When analysing the language George Orwell uses, you could use this structure:
  • What has Orwell done?
  • How and wherefore has he done it?
  • What effect does information technology wear the reader?
  • How could the words you take up chosen to look at comprise interpreted other than?
  • Expend a quote to back up your channelis.
  • Avoid explaining what language devices mean value eg zero penury to say 'a simile is a way of comparing one thing to another'.

Evidence and explanation of the language used

What How Why Effect
Persuading questions "Now, comrades, what is the nature of this life story of ours?" To make the some other animals question their positions happening the farm. This rhetorical device is used to encourage the animals to rebel. Old Major asks the question then he provides the animals with the answer he wants, persuading them that helium is right.
Dominant questions "Are you certain that this is not something that you have dreamed, comrades? Have you any memorialize of such a firmness of purpose?" Squealer controls the others away questioning their memories. This rhetorical device is wont to get to the animals doubt themselves. George Orwell shows how rhetoric privy beryllium used negatively.
Repeating "Long live the windmill! Long alive Animal Farm!" Here Napoleon uses repetition to reinforce his message. Repetition 'Long vital' helps emphasise Napoleon's peak that he wants Animal Farm to continue forever. Whilst this appears to Be positive, here Napoleon uses the thought to make a scapegoat (an case-by-case irrationally blamed) of Snowball.
Emotive language A cry of repulsion burst from each the animals. The scene when Boxer is taken away is very affectional. The fact that the 'horror', in itself an emotive word, 'burst' from the animals gives a clear indication that their fear was so great it almost unconnected from within them.
Directly style Boxer was never seen once more. Orwell uses very unpatterned language to describe Boxer's disappearance. In contrast to the emotive oral communicatio seen higher up, Orwell uses direct and understated words. This helps to construct Boxer's discourse many tragical.

How to study language

In order to analyse language you essential:

  • choose a plane section from the text to study
  • superior a quote from the schoolbook that is relevant to the question and the point you want to make
  • consider how the quotation mark reflects character/theme/context
  • explore in detail the impact specific words or phrases have upon the reader
  • evaluate how effective the generator's pick of language is

Under is an example section from the fresh. In this section Napoleon is speaking to the farm animals. He blames Snowball for the damage the bad weather has done to the windmill.

'Comrades', he said quietly, 'do you hump who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the Night and overthrown our windmill? Abronia elliptica!' he roared in a voice of big H. 'Snowball has through this thing! In sheer malevolence, thinking to put back our plans and avenge himself for his ignominious expulsion, this traitor has crept here under cover charge of night and destroyed our crop of nearly a class' Napoleon

Analyse the language victimized in this acknowledgment. How do the pigs role language to control the other animals?

  1. Use of individualised pronouns - Napoleon uses 'Comrades' and 'our' to experience the other animals on his side.
  2. Emotive linguistic process - he uses words like 'malignity' and 'traitor' - these emotive words supporte make the animals react emotionally to what he is expression meaning they are more probable to be raging.
  3. Use of questions and repeat - 'Do you know who is causative this?', 'exercise you know the opposition..?'. Napoleon I repeats the question and gives them his own answer 'SNOWBALL'. Here questions are used to control condition.
  4. Uses of communicatory verbs and adjectives - Orwell explains that Little Corpora 'Roared in a part of thunder'. Detonative speech which add together a sense of sound to of the subdivision as well as the mood.
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Animal Farm Vocabulary Worksheet Chapters 1 3 Continued Answers


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