
Bob Frissell Nothing In This Book Is True Download Updated

Bob Frissell Nothing In This Book Is True Download

Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are, 25th Anniversary Edition Cover Image


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The twenty-5th ceremony edition of this clandestine classic explores higher consciousness, human evolution, metaphysics, sacred geometry, the clandestine regime, and more
   • Gives clear instructions on MerKaBa (Light Trunk) activation and the companion Unity Jiff
   • Details our ancient past equally seen through the eyes of the Ascended Masters
   • Provides exercises, tools, and techniques to clear the energies blocking your access to your Higher Self

In this special edition, Bob Frissell has kept intact the basic message of the previous edition; he has also expanded upon information technology by including pregnant additions and updates to virtually every chapter, including x completely new chapters. The writer details from a big-movie perspective the enormous infusion of college dimensional free energy that is dramatically raising the vibratory rate of the planet and anybody on it. He also gives the details of the personal transformation that we must brand if nosotros are to survive and thrive, so we tin can "catch the ride" into higher consciousness in a way that enables Mother Earth to reach critical mass and become "lit from within." This is the story of cipher less than the birth of a new humanity, of the cocreation of Heaven on Earth.

Through the Right Eye of Horus, around the circles and spirals of sacred geometry, in and out of the magic of Breath Abracadabra, fifty-fifty surviving the potentially cataclysmic pole shifts intact, we will eventually assemble internally our own MerKaBa, the universal design of creation, and join the Ascended Masters.

We volition meet the forces working to accelerate our evolution of consciousness and those seeking to block information technology. When we reach critical mass, Female parent World will shift into a higher dimensional level. Many galactic presences take already gathered around our planet, watching and waiting to observe this unprecedented event.

This is a fourth dimension of corking commemoration as we move out of the darkness and into the lite. Information technology means that the veils will be lifted, we will think and alive our intimate connection to all life, and we will be allowed to reunite with our cosmic brothers and to move about the universe. We will completely redefine what it ways to be man!

About the Author

BOB FRISSELL is the founder of the Breath Alchemy Technique and is a teacher of 30-six years. His books are regarded as underground spiritual classics. In add-on to Nothing In This Volume Is True, Only Information technology'due south Exactly How Things Are, he is the author of Something In This Book Is Truthful... and You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience. His books are published in twenty-five languages and are available in more than thirty countries. Musicians have credited the ideas presented in Frissell's books as a source of inspiration for their ain creative piece of work. This list includes Tool (band), Danny Carey, and Gojira (band). He is also the author of Stress Management Breakthrough: Transforming Suffering into Bliss, Infinite Consciousness Is the Just Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion, Breath Alchemy: Your Complete Guide to a Harmonized Life also as the video, audio, and ebook series Igniting Your Inner Light. He is on a mission to helping as many thousands of men and women equally he can in opening them up to their unlimited potential by discovering that the resolution to any unwanted status lies within them!

Frissell gives private Breath Alchemy lessons on Skype and in person, along with coaching consultations on Skype. Frissell has been a featured speaker at the Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists in Bangalore, India; the fourth annual Symbiosis Gathering at Yosemite; the Prophets Conference in Tulum; and many New Living expos. He has also appeared on numerous talk shows, including The Jeff Rense Program, Scarlet Ice Radio, Far Out Radio, and has been a three-time guest on Coast to Coast AM. He has presented his workshops throughout North America, Australia, and Europe. On a personal annotation, Frissell is a nature enthusiast. He loves to hike and all manner of cats, squirrels, ducks, wild turkeys, deer, and redwood trees take hold of his eye. He lives in Sonoma, California.

Praise For…

"Bob Frissell has done it again. His groundbreaking book twenty-5 years agone opened our minds to an amazing explosion of spiritual cognition. Now in this 20-fifth anniversary edition, Frissell surpasses himself with another breathtaking expansion of our understanding and experience of reality—and adds to it a full caption of his powerful V-Step Breath Abracadabra healing technique. No improve guide exists to the deeper nature of reality."
—KENNETH PORTER, MD, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and former president of the Clan for Spirituality and Psychotherapy

"I had read the get-go version of this volume, and it had a profound effect on my life. This new version is an heart-opener that further unravels mysteries and coverups. Frissell's divine insight has uncovered hidden truths that enhance our consciousness and have the power to change our lives and the world every bit nosotros at present know it. Frissell has definitely tuned into the Creator Frequency! If you lot are searching for Truth, I highly recommend this book."
—DIANNE ROBBINS, writer of Messages from the Hollow Globe

"If yous're looking for a fast-paced, eye-opening, big-picture, wild ride of a book, here you go! Bob Frissell sweeps aside the veils of conventional reality to explore what's happening backside the scenes—from extraterrestrial visitations and multidimensional events to walk-ins and ascended masters relating the 'true history of the globe.' This xx-five-twelvemonth updated version emphasizes the desperate need for global modify and personal transformation. We alive in critical times that tin can be securely moving—but we must heed, feel, and sense at deeper levels, expanding our hearts to movement beyond right and wrong, us and them, as nosotros open to All That Is. As Frissell notes, this is the story of nothing less than the nascency of a new humanity and the cocreation of Sky on Globe."
—DAWN BRUNKE, writer of Animal Voices

"The twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Nil in This Book Is True, But It'south Exactly How Things Are gave me my first 'real' understanding of how life on this planet came into existence—
resonating deep within me and thus vibrating within my unabridged being. Information technology's as though this new truth that I felt changing me from the inside out and in such a profound way that my body's internal mechanisms and operations machines were at present self-enlightened. My mind, trunk, and spirit continued with this information and so well that I took the total download all at one time, hungry for more."
—LAILA FADIAL, Galaxy Printing

"If ever there was an aptly named book, this is information technology. In a highly readable and sincere style, Nothing in This Book Is True But It's Exactly How Things Are proceeds to thread together every New Age belief and conspiracy theory into a grand unified field theory of kookiness. They're all here: gray aliens, ascended masters, gratuitous energy, angels, cattle mutilations, crop circles, Jiff Alchemy, earth changes, the Great Pyramid, Sirius, and secret colonies on Mars. And withal, despite the sheer unbelievability of half the book, the writer's goodwill and spiritual intentions are then infectious that the book ends upwards being a heartwarming experience."
—JAY KINNEY, Wired magazine

Production Details
ISBN: 9781623173715
ISBN-10: 162317371X
Publisher: Due north Atlantic Books
Publication Date: June 25th, 2019
Pages: 432
Linguistic communication: English

Bob Frissell Nothing In This Book Is True Download

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